Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter weekend

Henry had so much fun at the Montgomery Country Club Easter egg hunt! We had "egg hunt training" last week at our house. I would scatter the eggs around the living room and Henry would try to pick them up and put them in his basket. I didn't want him to be embarassed for picking up so few! Ha!! Seriously, we had a blast! We are blessed to be a part of a club that provides as much for children as it does for adults.
Saturday afternoon, we met the Gaither clan in Auburn for an afternoon baseball game and dinner. It was so fun and the weather was amazing! Auburn won the first game but lost the second miserably. After the game, we enjoyed a nice afternoon stroll through campus. Then, of course, Mom over did it with Easter baskets for all of us - Mama Hen just can't let go of her chickies... and we don't want her too!
On Sunday we attended the Easter service, which was amazing. I absolutely love the music as much as the sermon. After Sunday school, we had lunch at home with Patsy, Molly, Eric, Mom, and Dad. Henry had a BIG weekend... and a long nap!
Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday

First United Methodist does a wonderful job of protraying Christ's entry into Jerusalem the week before his death and resurrection. We waved palm leaves and sang "Hosanna!" as someone rode the donkey through the courtyard of the Church in the reinactment.

This has alway been my favorite week of the year. As we prepare for Easter Sunday, I'm constantly reminded of what Jesus did for us. Now as a parent - and being human - I truly cannot understand what God felt when His Son was nailed to the cross. This is such an amazing time for us as Christians (and as parents).

After the Palm Sunday service, we gathered with our Sunday school class for an Easter egg hunt for the children. Since we had so much rain Sunday morning, we had to move the hunt indoors to the gym. All Henry wanted to do was pick up an egg, stick it in his mouth, then throw it! Needless to say, he enjoyed himself.

Happy Easter week!

ACS Crawfish Boil

The American Cancer Society had their annual Crawfish Boil downtown on the Riverfront this weekend. Bill and I took Henry and enjoyed seeing Mo, the biscuit eater - also the Montgomery Biscuits' mascot, a band, and the FOUNTAIN! Henry loves water - whether it be a bath, a pool, or a fountain. We stripped him down to his diaper and just watched him have a grand time. Oh, by the way, he is walking EVERYWHERE! Watch out!!