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Bill's dad and sisters came to help him with Henry a couple of weekends ago when I was supposed to be out of town. My trip was cancelled due to Fay or Gustav or one in between, but I wanted our family to come anyway. Sometimes Moms just need a day to let their arms relax. :) They enjoyed watching the Auburn game, then the Alabama game, while Henry enjoyed all the attention he got from his aunts and granddaddy.
The latter pictures are from this past weekend in Eufaula.
This past weekend my dad and brother joined my Uncle Jim and cousin Jimbo in New York for a Yankees' game and Mets' game (before their stadiums are torn down) and Mom was home alone. So, Bill and I packed up Henry and Nelle and had a spend the night party at the Gaither home. Saturday morn, Henry, Mom, and I shopped in town while Bill and Big Bill played golf, then Henry enjoyed the afternoon in his granddaddy's pool. However much fun the pool was, I'm afraid the scooter was MUCH, much more fun! Rascal is Keitt and Big Bill's new Jack Russell pup. They've also added another family member... a yellow lab pup, Hooker (they found her on a street corner). I'm sure to have pictures of her later.
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